Thank you for your interest in joining Lehigh EMS!
In order to fill out the New Member Application, you must click the green "login" link directly above and enter your Lehigh username and password. This is the same exact username and password used for your Lehigh E-Mail and other services.
Please note that volunteering with LUEMS is significant time commitment requiring at least 12 hours per week.
Note: Lehigh University EMS is an equal oppuritnuity organization. Applications consist of a written and an interview portion, which act as the sole basis of the acceptance or rejection of membership candidates. Executive Board members review those materials and vote individually based on applications as received from the applicant. in order to be considered for application, one must be a current student, faculty, staff member ot alumnus/a. Beyond this qualification, no decision will be made based upon race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, class status, or any other factor that does not pertain directly to the quality of the applicant as presented to the Executive Board.